Welcome back my Super Sexy Modern Latinas! I hope everyone had a relaxing weekend! How did everyone's Freaky/Family Friday turn out? Hopefully all went well! My esposo almost cried when he walked into a surprise picnic! He loved it! And guess what!? Because I did something nice for him, he has been doing lots of nice little things for me! Kindness and appreciation pays off! ;)
Okay, so every Monday, I will be sharing with you some rules of etiquette and manners. Simply because I am intrigued by nenas who always seem to have it together. Have you ever known a nena who always dresses to the "T?" She is properly dressed for every occasion, her hair and make-up just have that polished look? Every word out of her mouth is graceful. She moves gracefully and elegantly? She is well mannered? Yes, mi'ja we would say this nena is classy. I know a few nenas who are like this. I also think about nenas from generations past who I thought of as classy: Jackie Onasis Kennedy and Princess Diana to name a few. They may be of the super elite, but that does not mean we can not look to them as role models on how to be classy. Can it be done mi'ja? It seems like we live in a society where manners and politeness have all gone out the window. Maybe so. But! I am going to start with me. Maybe learning the proper etiquette will help me over come my ALS "Angry Latina Syndrome," who knows. LOL Bueno, today I thought we'd learn a few cell phone etiquette rules. With all of our social networking sites and emails tied to our blackberry's, it is no wonder that we (including yours truly) can become obsessed with our phones, and start to ignore the mere presence of "real people," who are physically present with us. So, I found some information from cellphone.org that listed a few rules of etiquette when using your cell phone.
1. Lower your voice when taking calls in public. (Your nena is pretty good about this one, but for sure no one wants to hear how Tommy is leaving Susie for Sally, unless Susie is your best amiga!LOL) But seriously, lets keep it down nenas.
2. Avoid personal topics when others can hear you. (Uh...no need to broadcast the gory details of your "Kulo-noscopy", when at a restaurant. So not sexy mi'ja).
3. Avoid taking calls when you're already engaged in a face to face conversation. If you do take a call, ask permission of the people that are with you. (This has happened to me. Mostly it's the esposo taking work phone calls or phone calls from his mother, when we are discussing something important, like where we'd like to eat! LOL)
4. Avoid texting during face to face conversations. (I think we should add facebooking to this one also mi'ja. I am definitely guilty of this one. Not ever with strangers or friends, but mostly with familia. Which is sad that my phone has become priority over my loved ones. But! I vow to get better, I pinky promise).
5. Put phone's ringer on silent at a restaurant or movie theater. (I'm going to add Misa (church) to this one too nena. How many times have you been at church when someone's celly goes off? This one time, I was at mass, and this nena's phone rings right in the middle of the padresito's (Priest's) sermon. And do you know what that Sin Verguenza did? She took the call and started chatting away! Talk about rude mi'ja!)
6. Don't light up your phone's screen in a dark theater. (This one is not such a big deal to me since I am probably paying attention to the movie and not to you and your phone. But if you are watching live theater, then that is rude).
7. Hang up and drive. (I totally agree with this one. There have been far too many lives lost for people talking or texting while driving. No phone call or text is ever worth your life or the life of others. Let's not do it anymore nena.)
8. Acknowledge the delay. All phone calls involve latency,which means there's a delay between when you speak and when the other person hears it. (When you can't hear someone, you only need to ask "Are you there?" One or two times, not 500! LOL Wait for them to respond, and if they don't within a reasonable amount of time, hang up and try again).
9.Don't use google voice call screening with family and close friends. ( I had never heard of this, but I guess before you answer your phone, each person that calls you is asked to say their name, and if you recognize their name and voice they will be put through so that you can speak to them.)
10.Don't blame the other person for the dropped call.
11.Avoid looking things up during a conversation. (Yes, your nena is guilty of this one too. Mostly checking my facebook. I try to do it discretely, but it is so hard when your phone buzzes and you know someone commented on your FB. But I will try mi'ja, I will try).
12. Avoid inappropriate profile pictures. (Some phones allow your facebook profile picture to be connected to a friend's phone contact list. So don't put that picture of yourself all boracha (drunk) at the company Christmas party as your profile picture. So not sexy mi'ja, so not sexy).
13. Be mindful about facebook tagging. A good rule of thumb is to get permission to tag someone else's photo-or at least never tag a photo unless your sure that person wouldn't mind showing it to his mother, boss or children. (I think this is a great rule! Do you know that employers are now checking people's facebook profiles before they hire them to see what they are really like? So be careful nena! Or set your profile to private).
14. Observe the 10-foot proximity rule. Keep a distance of at least 10 feet from the nearest person when talking on a cell phone. (This is a good rule, so that way everybody and their mama in law is not all up in your mix.)
So there it is mi'ja! Our Miss Manners lesson on cell phone etiquette. Can we do it?! Yes we can!!! LOL
Besitos! ;)
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