Buenas Noches my Super Sexy Modern Latinas!
I'm late again. I apologize, pero mi hermana (sister) came to visit me and my dog child this afternoon and twisted my arm to go to the mall! ;) Y'jole! Pero one look at my eyebrows and she flipped nena! "What is going on with your eyebrows?," she asked me. I told her it was a sacrifice I was making to the beauty gods, so that my eyebrows would grow back bold and beautiful, (like J. Lo's). And do you know what she said? Well, to put it nicely, me dice, "You need to clean that 'ish' up!" Lol So, I broke down and got my eyebrows threaded. The woman who threaded my eyebrows has been threading since she was 9 years old! So thanks to my hermana, me eyebrows are not bold like J. Lo's, but they are beautiful, if I must say so myself!
Ok. So back to our Talk to me Tuesday topic, Slaying your cheesecake and cheeseburger dragons. Here is my dilemma mi'ja, and (not sure if every girl deals with this or just your nena). I have had these overwhelming cravings for cheeseburgers and cheesecakes, and mostly at night. I call them my dragons, because they are evil! I must confess I am a night freak food junkie. After having a sensible dinner, right around 8:00-8:30, I am ready for a snack! I've heard so many conflicting suggestions, that say "Don't eat anything after 7:00 o'clock," or "You can have a snack as long as it is 150 calories or less." But, sometimes a nena just wants a cheeseburger or pastelito (dessert) after she's eaten her healthy sensible dinner. I was talking to one of my amigas, (you know the type, the kind that can pop out a bebe and look like she was never pregnant) and I ask her "How do you stay so thin, what do you eat?" She tells me, oh I eat snacks like yogurt. Yogurt? Is that all you eat mi'ja? She tells me no, I eat rice and beans, chips and salsa. Como? Rice and beans only? No enchiladas, tacos or tamales to go with it? Blasphemy nena! That's what I say! LOL I've been on a mission for quite awhile, wondering how to slay those cheesecake and cheeseburger dragons, and here is what I have observed about certain nenas who are thin:
1) They are super active. Yes mi'ja, they workout at the gym; but in addition to that, they are always in constant motion. They are either chasing after/lifting their children, or cleaning up the messes they make. I don't have children, and I don't have to lift my dog child very often, and he only occasionally makes a mess. These nenas who are in constant motion may be on to something. So instead of laying on my couch for most of my adult life, I could be cleaning or doing something else around the house that involves constant movement. I may try and limit my t.v. watching to an hour a day. Y'jole nena! :/
2) They don't belong to the Clean plate club. Most of the nena's are rebels. They didn't listen to their mamas and abuela's growing up who said, "Coma te todo tu comida! (Eat all of your food) there are starving children in Africa!" No mi'ja, they stop eating when they are full. They don't lick their plates clean, like yours truly. LOL
3) They don't deprive themselves. Most of the nena's I know eat everything. But they don't eat the whole thing. They may have a bite or two of something rich and delicious, to kill the craving, but not their waistlines.
4) They go to bed super early. Most nenas who are flaquitas (thin) are in bed by 9:00. Which probably means they are taking off their make up and brushing their teeth by 8:00-8:30 to be in bed by 9:00. This is smart nena! I bet going to bed early is a sure way not to be tempted to binge. In addition, these nenas who go to bed early have flawless and beautiful skin.
So, here is my question to all of you Super Sexy Modern Latinas out there: Do you get night cravings? If so, what have you done to overcome these cravings?
Wanting to know how to slay her cheeseburger and cheesecake dragons,
tu nena para siempre,
The Latin Marrrta Stewart
Besitos! ;)
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